February 11, 2017
I swear I totally wrote this post on Saturday February 12, 2017.
100% swear I did.
Okay I didn’t but let’s pretend I haven’t been negligent at all with my daily posting schedules. I thought I would take this Saturday post to list out some of my responsibilities, to-dos and want-dos.
(TFW Chinese leet hackers)Responsibilities include my University Writing paper due Tuesday. This is particularly interesting because University Writing meets on Mondays and Wednesdays… not Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition, the paper is due at noon… by email! What a crazy digital age we live in huh. Before you grasp how fixated I am with the completion of this essay, I’ll describe what I’m actually supposed to do. The intention behind the essay is to highlight an interpretive problem behind Jamaica Kincaid’s essay “To Name is To Possess”. The interpretive problem I’ve chosen is the weird juxtaposing of Kincaid between conqueror and conquered given how flexible she makes those two classes. So far, I have a weak draft laid out, but I plan to basically rewrite the whole thing… minus the first paragraph. I hope to focus on how her process of messing with “conqueror” terminology is, in itself, “renaming”. To do this, I’ll have to do a close reading of the essay and decide on how I want to structure this darn thing. I have just about all of tomorrow to work on it, and I’ll have some time on Monday to revise after meeting with my University Writing professor.
I also have Economics and Computer Science homework somewhere on the horizon. Economics homework is due on Wednesay. Shit. For whatever reason, I thought it was due Friday or something. Unfortunately, I’ll have to push it back & work on it after finishing the essay. On the other hand, my Computer Science homework is due the 20th. It seems to be a bit heftier than the first assignment. I think I’ll work on it 10-12 this Wednesday at Cookies & Code.
The real pickle is that my Literature Humanities essay is due this Friday. This means that I need to get my UWriting and Econ done by Monday so I have the rest of the week to get this Lit Hum essay done.
Fun days. Fun days.