February 09, 2017
Its a nice dewy and warm February morning. The temperature is hitting a ridiculously Spring-like 60 degrees, and I’d reckon its a nice day if not for the overall moistness of the campus. I had a good handful of hours of sleep this morning and…
Apparently a handful hours of sleep were not conducive to writing a blog post.
Since then, things have really taken a dive for the worst… or better… depending on how you look at things. It was a beautiful shorts-appropriate day, one I would’ve enjoyed more with more sleep. It was a day nice enough that students moved their convening-spots from the stuffy indoors to the campus-outdoors. Yesterday, there were students relaxing on Low Library steps, just soaking in the Sun.
In fact, I took a nice picture.
{% include partials/imagePartial.html src=“/media/IMG_0779.JPG” width=“3264” height=“2448” %}
In comparison, at the moment a mere 26 hours later, the weather is diving into the teens. Winter Storm Nico is dragging us back into sweet memories of the holiday season. The wind is pretty crazy, with powdery snow blowing everywhere. However, even with all this crazy weather, our capable student body has created such amazing works as:
{% include partials/imagePartial.html src=“/media/IMG_0786.JPG” width=“3264” height=“2448” %}
I did not write a post for yesterday but I have an excuse. I’ve found a new thing to program up!
I’ve become pretty interested in the idea of measuring a lifespan within the context of another person’s lifespan. Although its kind of sick and the ethics are wildly clunky, I went through with it and made a sort of sicko thing that you can see here.
{% include partials/imagePartial.html src=“/media/peopleunitsscreenie.png” width=“2248” height=“862” %}
It’s a new tab page chrome extension that quite literally, reminds you how old you are in the context of other famous people. For instance, I’m around .56 Mark Zuckerbergs.
Working on this, I had a lot of fun using somewhat learning how to use webpack2. I only heard of it because of my involvment with RES, where they use webpack, and I look forward to actually learning how to use it in conjunction with other stuff. ATM, I’ve got a meh build script that kind of works, but the “—watch” only tracks changes in the js file… sigh.
Anyways, for anybody that actually knows es6 well… or good js dev practices… and could help me..
In addition, while pushing this, Travis reminded me this…
{% include partials/imagePartial.html src=“/media/screenietravismeanie.png” width=“1840” height=“200” %}
Noted. Thanks Travis.