January 31, 2017
All the walls have got to go from Palestine to Mexico!
The weekend is over and the campus is back in action. Student Body groans at school starting again. Student Body loves the idea of endless peaceful studying and work. It’s a fresh week and Student Body wants to start it out with a bang.
Walking out of a Chinese test feeling the effects of coffee on my stomach, I saw a sight that almost made me forget my poor Chinese (thank goodness, I can’t afford to forget any more). What I saw was a hundred, maybe two hundred, students stationed on Low Plaza and Low Steps, Alma Mater presiding over the congregation.
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What I like is that this campus moves. We are protesting something that should probably be protested. What Trump is doing is probably unethical. It probably degrades the quality of human rights. I’m no expert on this, but when people joke about the United States being the land of the free and the home of the brave, the United States’ status as the land of the free and the home of the brave is being questioned.
However, is this really a #MuslimBan (Emma Watson is dominating Facebook’s trending a mere 8 hours later)? As far as I’m concerned, according to Wikipedia, by % of the World Muslim Population, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Egypt are the top Muslim countries. Unless I’m really that tired, I don’t see any of those countries on Trump’s list.
This is a ban of citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, stopping them from entering the United States. There is no mention of a vetting process allowing people in over the 90 day ban. The ban was given in order to “reduce investigative burdens on relevant agencies” in their aggressive vetting of individuals.
When Trump gave this executive order, we assume we know what he did and why he did it. We think that what we have formulated in our noggins is close-enough. However, having close-enough facts, having alternative facts, is not sufficient. Know what you’re disputing.