Emperor Trump

January 29, 2017

Emperor Trump has done a lot in the past week. This BBC article really is trying hard to get over that Trump outrage dilution. However, its getting to the point where people can’t list out all the crap he’s done that they disagree with. What really kills me is the last line of that BBC article.

Have a relaxing weekend, everyone!

Because over the weekend, after so much complaining about a physical wall, he’s finished building another wall right under our noses blocking people (for the next 90 days) from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen from entering the country.

As much as I’m upset about this new wall, I’m almost just as upset by the slow, slow, response thats slowly turning in. Isn’t this the sort of thing everybody pointed to when they were complaining about Trump?

In other news, I’m still in the process of figuring out what to do with this site. Is it a portfolio? Theres nothing impressive on it. It it a blog? Theres nothing written on it. Is it a diary? A narrative? A confession? Its a website. I’ll find something to fill in the empty spaces with.

Also, my roommate has discovered Phantom of the Opera and has been singing it under his breath for the entire day. I hope I can convince him Michael Crawford is the most phantom-y phantom (Ramin Karimloo is good too, but not quite as creepy). However, some credit has to be given to Steve Harley for his glam-rock interpretation…

{% include partials/youtubePartial.html params=“data-videoid=”vp0I0uMrDOo” data-param-start=”65”” %}

Last thing. Heres’s a league clip.

{% include partials/videoPartial.html contents=page.videos.leagueplay %}